(#9) Your Greatest Gift

Published: June 30, 2021, 11 a.m.


Hello Gorgeous Souls and Welcome back to the Live Life Extraordinary Podcast!


Today we are chatting about your greatest gift as a spiritual being that is living in this human experience.


We are all incredibly gifted whether we recognize our gifts or not.  Some of us have incredible intelligence. Some of us are creative beyond belief. Some of us are natural born healers. We are all gifted but your GREATEST gift is not your unique gift but instead the gift that we all naturally possess and that is our intuition.


Now you might be thinking that you don't have intuition but that's 1000% not true. We ALL have intuition but we are conditioned to believe that our logical, rational, intelligent way of thinking and acting is the ONLY way, so we shut off our intuition.


Intuition works in a cycle, the more you listen to it, trust it and take aligned action based on it, the stronger it gets. 


The more you ignore it and take the logical rational route, the quieter your intuition is. 


BUT our intuition is SO needed, it is our personal roadmap to becoming the highest and best version of ourselves. It is our personal roadmap that lays out all of the steps needed to live the life that is wilder than our wildest dreams.


Thank you SO much for joining me in today's episode, if you have a topic that you would love to learn about on the Live Life Extraordinary Podcast, send a message to miss.bianca.m.johnson@gmail.com to get your journey started!

