(#13) What do Purple Elephants, Pineapples and Roses Have to do with Spirituality?

Published: July 28, 2021, 11 a.m.


Have you ever heard of signs and synchronicities?


Things like angel numbers, pennies from heaven, spirit animals and more showing up in your reality.


Purple Elephants, Pineapples and Roses are all signs that I asked the universe/god/spirit to show me if I was on the right path or was being supported and they are ALL signs that I received BUT I never saw them in physical form... one was a billboard, one was a businesses logo and one was in an Instagram post. If I wasn\'t open to a world of possibilities I might have missed them!


Some signs show you that you\'re on the right track, while other signs are just showing you that you are supported even in difficult times. So how can you tell what the signs are telling you? Can you ask for signs about specific people or situations? What if you aren\'t receiving signs, does that mean you\'re on the wrong path?


I answer all of these questions and more in this weeks episode of the Live Life Extraordinary Podcast!


In this episode I recommended the Book E2 by Pam Grout to help you start seeing your infinite power and experience your connection to the universe. This is NOT and affiliate link and I do NOT receive a commission from this link. 


If you are ready to REALLY get tapped into your creator power, connect with all of your guides and set out on your highest and best path, join me for Manifest Destiny! A week long retreat in Panama City Beach FL in January 2022. If you register by 8/8 using code #manifested you will receive $111 off your registration. 


Have questions about connecting to the universe? Receiving signs? Manifesting your dreams? Reach out to miss.bianca.m.johnson@gmail.com \\u2665

