119. You Dont Have to Sit In A Cave to Manifest - Part 2 With Pamela Strum

Published: June 14, 2023, 10 a.m.


This week we continue with our guest Pamela as we explore\\xa0tapping\\xa0into\\xa0higher\\xa0frequencies than ever before in history. To decide as your own sovereign being that \\u201cI\\u2019m done, that\\u2019s complete\\u201d with old patterns to allow the energy to flow.\\xa0

Pamela walks you through clarifying questions to help you ground yourself as you update your DNA and manifest. Stay tuned next week for the conclusion as we begin with discussing the grid lines.\\xa0

Pamela Strum is an energy visionary who utilizes her unique gift of working with Sacred Geometry to harness a quantum energetic alchemical process for her clients to live their life as the full expression of their human potential.\\xa0 An energy conduit and healer, she has over three decades of experience doing energy work with clients all over the world, working within the Akashic Records to bring healing deep to the levels where entire lifetimes and ancestral lines can behealed.\\xa0\\xa0

Debbie McAllister is a Breakthrough Catalyst Coach and hosts the Light Up Your Worth podcast. \\xa0

\\xa0She guides spiritually curious women to release mental & emotional blocks that keep them stuck so they can discover the unbelievable resources within themselves, ignite their light, and step into their own worth.

To reach Pamela:

Listener Offer: 10% off an Akashic Records session or the GRID Light Healing program for anyone who books- good for ONE MONTH after the podcast first airs.

Website: www.PrincetonHealingHouse.com

Instagram: Pamela_Strum

YouTube: \\xa0https://www.youtube.com/@pamelastrum6670

Facebook: \\xa0Princeton Healing House https://www.facebook.com/princetonhealinghouse


To reach Debbie:

Try the Ignite Your Inner Sparkle! Energetic healing limiting beliefs to reconnect with your inner sparkle! https://www.lightupyourworth.net

What if there were no inner barriers, what would your radiant life look like? Unlock your heartfelt desires! Get Unstuck Coaching packages https://lightupyourworth.net/get-unstuck-coaching-with-debbie-mcallister

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lightupyourworth

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/Lightupyourworthpodcast


Rewriting your money stories to magnetize your vision. Guides others into greater abundance and more freedom through the conscious and subconscious mind.

Try the Ignite Your Inner Sparkle! Energetic healing limiting beliefs to reconnect with your inner sparkle! https://www.lightupyourworth.net

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lightupyourworth

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/Lightupyourworthpodcast

Facebook Business Page: https://www.facebook.com/LightUpYourWorthwithDebbieMcAllister

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lightupyourworth

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