10-Stress Relate and Learn Redirection

Published: Sept. 23, 2014, 4:47 p.m.

b"Tony Bodoh's background seems satisfying with steady growth.\\n\\nTony Bodoh\\u2019s background is in customer satisfaction and, in particular, in the hospitality industry in guest satisfaction. The real and interesting story is the path to where he is today and the lights that went off as he learned what makes him so much happier now.\\nTony started as a high school teacher and then quickly moved into the corporate world. As a person who was good with numbers, he was quickly into the analytical area of guest satisfaction. He moved to another company with an opportunity to head guest satisfaction. That company was soon acquired by Marriott.\\n\\nTony's story and transition from the corporate world registers strongly\\nHis story of \\u2018inside the corporate world\\u2019 is fascinating and will register with anyone who is either there now or was in the past. He reveals the stress\\xa0 of that world and compares it to his current situation.\\nWe have a great discussion about the different kinds of stress and the means of managing or coping. He had a significant health scare and moved out to start his own consulting company.\\nNow, first thoughts have to be, isn\\u2019t the stress of owning your own business much worse and higher? Well, his explanation and our discussion reveals some amazing insights.\\n\\nTrauma or Tragedy is a Blessing in Disguise\\nAbout half way through the interview, we discuss how the trauma of a flood that destroyed most of everything he had, caused him to reset his perspectives. It served as a wakeup call. In the midst of this tragedy, he woke up to realize what he needed to do; how to redirect his efforts and become a successful entrepreneur.\\n\\nRecommendations:\\nA motivating thought and quote that spurs him on is from the book, which he recommends:\\nYour Invisible Power by Genvieve Behrend\\nThe thought is that \\u2013 in order to bring about the life we want, we must realize there is nothing to fear. Tony Bodoh explains this as the fear is our enemy not the course of action. He quotes Franklin D. Roosevelt, \\u201cThe only thing to fear is fear itself.\\u201d (you\\u2019ll understand this better than ever after listening to Tony in this episode.)"