Engineering Inspiration With Speaker & Entrepreneur Cauveé

Published: July 31, 2019, 9:30 p.m.

Cauveé is an Inspiration Engineer with quite a unique story. Unlike most success stories, Cauveé had success early on. He began his journey as a musician by the name of R-tistic. This rapper-producer combo became locally famous, at age 18, for selling out his high school auditorium at a headlined and self-promoted concert of 1,209 people.  Unfortunately for Cauveé, his high school was not willing to compensate this achievement. While attempting to replicate his success at Ball State University, his sophomore concert flopped. Selling 333 tickets out of 3,500, sending him spiraling into debt and depression.  However, Cauveé never quit. After finding comfortability speaking and performing in front of audiences, Cauveé honed his stage presence at Toastmasters International. He acquired additional skills from some of the biggest corporate brands while actively pursuing his dreams, entertaining on a plethora of stages.  The entrepreneur was launched with his first company, an entertainment company while serving as an Enrollment Counselor at the University of Phoenix. As an Enrollment Counselor, Cauveé helped a young woman graduate with an Associates Degree, which ignited his passion to help others find fulfillment. After many failed projects, Cauveé transitioned into an Inspiration Engineer®. More than a lifestyle coach, Cauveé taught one of his first pupils the principle of Relationship Acquisition® aka social selling at Cauvee Global. This student became #1 sales rep at Zillow a $5B company and breaking 6 figures in revenue.  Lastly, Cauveé is also a thought-leading Contributor for Huffington Post and Influencive.  To learn more go to