Published: Feb. 13, 2019, 4:33 a.m.

Any man can father a child. But being a parent and a dad to that child is a process, it requires commitment, will, intentional thought, deeper love for nurturing, building, moulding, guiding, encouraging, strengthening, empowering, affirming, and more.    Men are often very emotionally bankrupt people. Men often chose to replace or substitute their affection and emotional availability with material. It makes children grow up seeing you as nothing but a charity fund for their social ambitions instead of a place to run to when frustrated the first person to call when good things happen. Most parents get to hear the good of their children from helpers.    My dad was not educated like many of are today. He was a handy man. His job was to operate a machine. When he was retrenched, he started a small business. Even taught it did not work out, he made sure that he spends his last days with us, bragging about us in front of all these people. His best gift for was the gift of the presence. When I was young, he sat with me to do homework and challenged me to think and love learning. The other day I was doing maths and he said he is a better mathematician than I am. He said his mathematical equation which did not make sense and said “one one up and cover up keeper two, what remains”?” It took us days arguing the validity of the question. Mom said it is 1+1-2. All the time, this man taught me what means to take care of his wife. How to take care of us. In most of his failures he taught me 7 lessons about life, relationships and business: 1. You don’t have to understand everything in the process of life. Just be always ready to learn 2. Do what you like now (like reading and studying) so that you can do what you really like and want later. 3. Be patient. Life follows a pattern, learn it, understand and wait for your turn. 4. Have a good understanding of time. every good thing takes time to build, but you have to put the work by yourself. 5. Don’t allow good products to dry out, they will die. If you want to keep growing, keep learning. Once you allow to be dry, you die. 6. Do not allow your lack of understanding of the entire process of life delude you of your goal 7. Don’t allow chaff to pile up, they will choke the life out of you. Deal with all bad habits before they eat you alive. He taught me to be careful as to who I allow into my life. Some things look good from a distance, but will drag you to the mud without notice. Research conducted in the US shows  that 1 in 4 children live in fatherless homes. the following 7 effects of disengaged fathers.  1. Teenegers are 7x more likely to fall pregnant than where a father is present and available 2. Are more likely to have behavioural problems 3. Have 4 times greater risk of suffering the sting of poverty 4. More likely to abuse drugs and alcohol (if you add faithlessness and unemployment and poverty, the risk is worse) 5. More likely to go to prison 6. More likely to commit violent crimes 7. More likely to suffer abuse and neglect in multiple forms --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/nhlanhla-g-mafarafara/message