Week #013 Review, Wednesday

Published: Dec. 30, 2020, 7 a.m.

The letter combination 'sc', when followed by the vowels i or e, will produce a soft sound, like the English words shoe, shore, share and cash.

cuscino = cushion

scimmia = monkey

sciarpa = scarf

pesce = fish

The letter combination 'sc', when followed by the vowels a, o or u, will produce a hard sound, like the English words sky, ski, score and scarf.

scuola = school

tasca = pocket

pesca = peach

scarpe = shoes

scatola = box

discorso = speech

bosco = forest

When the letter combination 'sc' is followed by an h, the sound becomes hard.

maschile = masculine

schiavo = slave

schiuma = foam

schiuma da barba = shaving cream

gelato = ice cream

musica = music

domanda = question

messaggio = message

meno = less

piu' = more

cattivo = bad

importante = important

interessante = interesting

intelligente = intelligent

portare = to carry, to bring, to wear

io porto = I carry

tu porti = you carry (informal)

Lei porta = you carry (formal)

lui/lei porta = he/she carries

noi portiamo = we carry

voi portate = you carry (plural)

loro portano = they carry

lavare = to wash

io lavo = I wash

tu lavi = you wash (informal)

Lei lava = you wash (formal)

lui/lei lava = he/she washes

noi laviamo = we wash

voi lavate = you wash (plural)

loro lavano = they wash

usare = to use

io uso = I use

tu usi = you use (informal)

Lei usa = you use (formal)

lui/lei usa = he/she uses

noi usiamo = we use

voi usate = you use (plural)

loro usano = they use

abitare = to live

io abito = I live

tu abiti = you live (informal)

Lei abita = you live (formal)

lui/lei abita = he/she lives

noi abitiamo = we live

voi abitate = you live (plural)

loro abitano = they live

ricevere = to receive, to get

io ricevo = I receive

tu ricevi = you receive (informal)

Lei riceve = you receive (formal)

lui/lei riceve = he/she receives

noi riceviamo = we receive

voi ricevete = you receive (plural)

loro ricevono = they receive vprendere = to take

io prendo = I take

tu prendi = you take (informal)

Lei prende = you take (formal)

lui/lei prende = he/she takes

noi prendiamo = we take

voi prendete = you take (plural)

loro prendono = they take

rispondere = to answer

io rispondo = I answer

tu rispondi = you answer (informal)

Lei risponde = you answer (formal)

lui/lei risponde = he/she answers

noi rispondiamo = we answer

voi rispondete = you answer (plural)

loro rispondono = they answer

questo = comes before a noun that is singular and masculine.

Questo libro e' interessante. = This book is interesting.

questa = comes before a noun that is singular and femine.

Questa lettera e' per Lei. = This letter is for you.

questi = comes before a noun that is plural and masculine.

Leggiamo questi libri. = We read these books.

queste = comes before a noun that is plural and femine.

Queste donne dormono troppo. = These women sleep too much.

quest' = comes before a singular noun that begins with a vowel.

Chi e' quest'uomo? = Who is this man?

Mi piace quest'arancia. = I like this orange.