Week #001 Review, Monday

Published: April 20, 2020, 6 a.m.

Ciao = Hi, bye

Salve = Hello

Buongiorno = Good morning, good day

Buonasera = Good evening

(Tanto) Piacere = (So) Nice to meet you

Molto lieto/lieta = Very pleased to meet you

Scusa = Excuse me (informal)

Scusi = Excuse me (formal)

Come ti chiami? = What is your name? (informal)

Come si chiama? = What is your name? (formal)

Mi chiamo... = My name is...

E tu? = And you? (informal)

E Lei? = And you? (formal)

Come stai? = How are you? (informal)

Come sta? = How are you? (formal)

Come va? = How's it going?

Sto bene = I'm fine

Sto benone = I'm terrific

Sto benissimo = I'm very well

Sto molto bene = I'm very well

Sto abbastanza bene = I'm quite well, or I'm well enough

Sto cosi' cosi' = I'm so-so

Sto male = I'm badly

Non sto bene = I'm not well

Non c'e' male = Not too bad

Bene, grazie, e tu? = Fine, thank you, and you? (informal)

Bene, grazie e Lei? = Fine, thank you, and you? (formal)

Signore = Mr.

Signora = Mrs.

Signorina = Miss

Avvocato = Lawyer

Ingegnere = Engineer

Professore = Masculine professor

Professoressa = Feminine professor

Dottore = Masculine doctor

Dottoressa = Feminine doctor

Insegnante = Teacher

On those masculine titles that end with 'ore'; the final 'e' is dropped before the person's last name:

Signor Bianchi = Mr. Bianchi

Professor Ricci = Professor Ricci

Feminine titles remain unchanged.

Ciao = Bye (also means Hi)

Arrivederci = Good-bye (informal)

ArriverderLa = Good-bye (formal)

A presto = See you soon

Alla prossima = Until next time

Ci vediamo = See you later

Addio = Farewell