012: Dead Kennedy, Reagan Endorses Biden, Kenosha Klan, We (don't) Build the Wall, Pension Priates, COVID Conquistadors

Published: Sept. 1, 2020, 2 a.m.


It\'s a Left & Leftist Summerslam! \'Tis the season to offer up hot takes, and it doesn\'t get any hotter than these*. The Leftist does some book depository cosplay, taking dead aim at an office-holding Kennedy. Speaking of dead, Ronnie 40 visits to endorse Biden for President from beyond the veil. Then, After a brief farewell to a real one in the 45th White House, we dive into a few infuriating stories: the Kenosha, WI PD back-shoots a black man (over and over and over and...), and in the resultant demonstrations an aspiring out-of-state agitator canoes a couple protestors. Was he paid by George Soros? The answer will not surprise you. Also unsurprising: racist-crowd-funding a wall on the southern border is not a legitimate undertaking. No shock value is added in discovering that the Trump Labor Relations Board is anti-labor. One can expect the people of Provo, UT will act with stupidity. And guess what? Several of our nation\'s wealthiest actually profit from a pandemic. 


*not a guarantee, if you find hotter takes elsewhere then good job you know how to use a web browser 


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Primary Sources 


Kenosha: https://www.wsaw.com/2020/08/26/doj-releases-new-information-on-moments-leading-up-to-jacob-blake-shooting/ https://twitter.com/GidTruth/status/1298697049551011840?s=09 https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2020/08/26/kyle-rittenhouse-charged-kenosha-protest-shootings-militia/5634532002 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/26/jacob-blake-shooting-gun-battle-in-kenosha-on-third-night-of-unrest 


We Build the Wall: https://www.texastribune.org/2020/08/20/we-build-wall-brian-kolfage/  


Retirement: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/retirement-private-equity-trump-administration-wall-street-1047576/


Playhouse: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/08/26/kenosha-protests-jacob-blake-what-we-know/3441684001/ 


Dumb Americans: https://kutv.com/news/coronavirus/provo-mask-mandate 


Numbers: https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/d8Ekwruhnu25C-iDzayVWZ2fPrlvZPK0Nm8cINOeXik/https/i.redd.it/h3dcrcbn4cj51.png?width=630&height=360
