Intermediate - Chinese Podcast - Visiting a Park

Published: June 9, 2009, 11 p.m.



He was lying on his bed when his girlfriend called him. She sounded quite excited that it was sunny because she wanted to go out to the park. He didn\\u2019t think it was proper to reject her request so he dragged himself out of bed. His girl whispered to him in her softest voice: I will buy you an ice cream if you come with me. Whatever resistance he had to go out, it was all gone. His sweet girlfriend promissed him an ice cream and that was too much temptation for him. \\u201cThen what should we see in the park?\\u201d He asked his girlfriend . \\u201c\\u6211\\u4eec\\u770b\\u770b\\u516c\\u56ed\\u5c31\\u53ef\\u4ee5\\u4e86\\u201d answered the girl.\\n

\\nYou can complete a sentence using this pattern: \\u4e3b\\u8bed+\\u52a8\\u8bcd+\\u526f\\u8bcd+\\u5f62\\u5bb9\\u8bcd\\uff0cSubject + Verb + Adverb + Adjective . Some very commonly seen adverbs are \\u975e\\u5e38 f\\u0113i - ch\\xe1ng - very \\u6bd4\\u8f83 - b\\u01d0 ji\\xe0o - relatively, \\u5341\\u5206 - sh\\xed f\\u0113n - quite - \\u5f88 - h\\u011bn - very. Though they have similar English translations, it doesn\\u2019t mean that they apply to all adjectives. For example in the dialogue: \\u5b83\\u770b\\u8d77\\u6765\\u8fd8\\u771f\\u6f02\\u4eae\\u3002\\u771f literally translated is \\u2019really\\u2019. \\u6f02\\u4eae is the adjective. It means \\u2018beautiful\\u2019. Similarly in english, the adverbs come before the adjectives.\\n

\\nConsolidate your knowledge of today\'s Chinese podcast by trying Chinese Test \\u2013 Visiting a park
