Intermediate - Chinese Podcast - Coming back from China

Published: May 31, 2009, 11 p.m.



Consolidate your knowledge of today\'s Chinese podcast by trying Chinese Test \\u2013 Coming back from China

When Daniel returned to the United States with a Master Degree from Zhong Shan University in Guangzhou, China, his parents were very proud. They told everyone that their son could speak very perfect Chinese and even completed his Master in chinese. That was true. Daniel had studied Chinese for 5 years and was even able to read ancient chinese and had no difficulty in communicating with people. His chinese also had no foreign accent.

\\nIn this lesson, we look at the use of the verb \\u770b. The meaning of this word varies according to the context, for example:

\\n1. \\u6765\\u770b\\u670b\\u53cb
\\n2. \\u770b\\u6765\\u4f60\\u8fd8\\u5f88\\u6709\\u65b9\\u6cd5
\\n3. \\u6211\\u7ad9\\u5728\\u8fd9\\u91cc\\u770b\\u4e0d\\u5230\\u90a3\\u91cc

\\n\\nFurthermore, we talk about the verbs tense and we also look at why some chinese characters are repeated, such as, \\u5e38\\u5e38,\\u770b\\u770b,\\u77a7\\u77a7,\\u8bfb\\u8bfb,\\u8d70\\u8d70 and so on. To learn how to use them, please listen to this podcast to find out.
