Intermediate - Chinese Podcast - Chinese family

Published: June 3, 2009, 11 p.m.



China is famous for the \\u2018One Child Policy\\u2019. Many people are curious about why the country has made such a principle to control child birth. Experts respond that it is because China has the largest population in the world and that is putting pressure in the resources available to feed the population. The Chinese government thinks that it is unsustainable and aims to curb population growth hence the one-child policy. Also, from the point of view of the typical chinese family, raising a child costs a lot. Parents need to provide them with good education, standard living conditions and food, all of which are more and more expensive and difficult to afford.

\\nConsolidate your knowledge of today\'s Chinese podcast by trying Chinese Test \\u2013 Chinese family \\n

\\nIn this lesson, we will discuss the question :"\\u4f60\\u5bb6\\u90fd\\u6709\\u51e0\\u53e3\\u4eba"? Whenever you see the word \\u51e0, you can more or less define this sentence as a question, meaning \\u2019how many\\u2019. \\u6211\\u5bb6\\u6709\\u51e0\\u53e3\\u4eba - There are several people in my family. This sentence resembles the previous one, except that it doesn\'t include a question mark. More over, we talk about the tense:\\u4ee5\\u524d\\uff0c\\u73b0\\u5728, \\u5c06\\u6765. These words express the period of time. \\u4ee5\\u524d means \\u2018past\\u2019. So everything talked about in the sentence happens in the past. \\u73b0\\u5728 means \\u2018now\\u2019. Since Chinese verbs don\\u2019t have specific tenses changes, \\u73b0\\u5728 is important if you want to say something that is prevailing at this moment. \\u5c06\\u6765 means\\u2019 in the future\\u2019. But people don\\u2019t say that all the time if they want to express something that is going to happen in the coming days/months/years/centuries. To find out what we do with those words, please listen to this podcast.
