Elementary - Chinese Podcast - Banks in China

Published: March 24, 2013, 10 p.m.



\\u6211\\u4eec\\u4eca\\u5929\\u8981\\u8bb2\\u7684\\u8bfe\\u7a0b\\u662f\\u5173\\u4e8e\\u94f6\\u884c\\uff0ctoday our topic is about money.When you arrive in China, you probably will like to open a new bank account. There are a lot of banks to choose from, so today I won\'t talk about the process of opening a new account, but discuss with you some useful grammar. For example, opening an account in Chinese is \\u5f00\\u6237, as you can see from each character, \\u5f00 means open, and \\u6237 here refers to account. Well, there are more things involved in banking, and we will discuss the most important ones here in this lesson.

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