Beginner - Videos - Survival Chinese - Giving directions

Published: June 8, 2009, 11 p.m.



Learn how to give directions in chinese. This time instead of asking, we will be teaching you how to give someone who only speaks chinese directions to a place or location.

\\nOscar opened up a company with three other people and they set their headquarters in Beijing. Oscar\\u2019s home was not so far away from his office so he usually walked there. Yet there were not so many good restaurants around his area, and he tended to take a taxi to somewhere a bit further away. He could remember the names to the destinations but since his apartment lay in a small community that cornered itself in a deserted street. There were lots of turns and twists on the way and taxi drivers always got lost and confused and sometimes really annoyed if Oscar was not able to tell exactly where he wanted to go.
\\u201cI couldn\\u2019t speak a word of Chinese.\\u201d Complained he one day to his parents, \\u201cAnd taxi drivers are so aggressive that I don\\u2019t even dare to argue with them any more, besides, they don\\u2019t understand me either.\\u201d His parents suggested that he picked up some useful words, at least words that could bring him back home. He begged his Chinese girlfriend for help. And they decided to make sure he knew how to direct the taxi driver first.

\\nLet\'s learn some words and sentences about directions in chinese. For example: \\u8bf7\\u544a\\u8bc9\\u6211\\u600e\\u4e48\\u53bb\\u90a3\\u91cc\\uff1f\\u5982\\u4f55\\u53bb\\u90a3\\u91cc\\uff1f\\u53bb\\u90a3\\u91cc\\u600e\\u4e48\\u8d70\\uff1fIn these sentences, \\u600e\\u4e48 means "how". Furthermore, you will learn more words about directions like: east - \\u4e1c, west - \\u897f, south - \\u5357, \\u5317 - north.
