Beginner - Chinese Podcast - Survival Chinese - Telling the time in Chinese

Published: May 23, 2009, 11 p.m.



Learn how to tell and ask the time in Chinese. If you already know how to say the chinese numbers from 1-24 then telling the time in chinese is really easy! Of course there are a few complications to it. You can\'t just merely say the current time as numbers. There are a few rules and sentence patterns that you need to use. But they are not complicated and after you listen to this podcast you will understand how to tell the time in different ways.\\n

What you need to know:
\\n1) If you want to ask what time is it in chinese you can say \\u73b0\\u5728\\u51e0\\u70b9? You could answer for example - \\u73b0\\u572811\\u70b9.
\\n2\\uff09If you want to ask the time for a certain event, for example going to the class room you can just say - \\u4f60\\u51e0\\u70b9\\u4e0a\\u8bfe\\uff1fAnd to reply\\uff1a\\u62119\\u70b9\\u4e0a\\u8bfe\\n\\n

If you want to consolidate what you have learned, why not try the exercises for this lesson? Please Chinese test to try the exercises now.
