Beginner - Chinese Podcast - Survival Chinese - Going to the restaurant

Published: May 30, 2009, 11 p.m.



Ali can\\u2019t remember when he began to go to restaurants so often. Before a certain moment he was really obsessed with home-made food and liked, all the time, to cook each meal by himself. It seems that now, he was getting lazier. He only wants to sit in a comfortable chair, waits for the cooked food to be brought just in front of him. In fact, Ali is not alone.

\\n\\nWith more and more restaurants opened everywhere in the city, people prefer to take a pause from the busy work and enjoy the food in restaurants. That makes everything easier. Of course, when we have the served food, why bother to ponder over about cooking? We can simply choose a restaurant, ask for the menu and order whatever that fascinates you to satisfy your grumbling stomach. Ali just returned from work, lay himself down on the bed, then called his girlfriend. He spoke in his lame Chinese, \\u201c\\u60f3\\u4e0a\\u996d\\u5e97\\u5417?\\u201d Then they started their short dialogue about where to go for the dinner.\\n\\n

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