Beginner - Chinese Podcast - Daily Chinese - Where are you?

Published: March 17, 2013, midnight



\\u4eca\\u5929\\u6211\\u4eec\\u8981\\u8bb2\\u7684\\u8bfe\\u7a0b\\u662f\\u5173\\u4e8e\\u6253\\u7535\\u8bdd\\uff0ctoday we will talk about conversations over the phone. There are some customs that are unique and different, for example, instead of asking \\u4f60\\u662f\\u8c01, who are you, the Chinese way to ask is where are you, \\u4f60\\u662f\\u54ea\\u91cc\\uff1fAnd of course, the response should not be the actually location of where you are. If you want to find out what the response should, please tune in to today\'s lesson.

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