Beginner - Chinese Podcast - Daily Chinese - When we are together

Published: May 22, 2011, 1:28 p.m.



Hello \\u5927\\u5bb6\\u597d\\uff0c\\u53c8\\u5230\\u4e86\\u6211\\u4eec\\u5b66\\u4e60\\u4e2d\\u6587\\u7684\\u65f6\\u95f4\\uff0cit is time for us to learn Chinese from, my name is Teresa, you also can call me \\u5434\\u8001\\u5e08. As in Chinese culture, the way to address your teacher is to say their surnames with the word \\u8001\\u5e08\\uff0dteacher. So things that \\u5434\\u8001\\u5e08 will discuss with you today, the word \\u5f53\\uff0c\\u770b and \\u4e00\\u8d77.

\\nConsolidate your knowledge of today\'s Chinese podcast by trying Chinese Test \\u2013 When we are together
