Beginner - Chinese Podcast - Daily Chinese - The air conditioner is broken

Published: July 2, 2011, 3:15 p.m.



Today we will talk about the hot weather, especially for people who lives in south China, such as \\u5e7f\\u5dde\\uff0c\\u6b66\\u6c49\\uff0cor even Hong Kong, it is very hot there in the summer, sometimes the temperature can reach 40 degrees, nobody wants to be outside or anywhere without an air conditioner. \\nBut in our Chinese Podcast today, the person in the dialogue lives in a place, where the air con is damaged, and that is why he was saying that\\u4eba\\u5c31\\u50cf\\u5728\\u84b8\\u7b3c\\u91cc\\u4e00\\u6837. Tune in to learn the meaning of this Chinese expression.

\\n\\nConsolidate your knowledge of today\'s Chinese podcast by trying Chinese Test \\u2013 The air conditioner is broken
