Beginner - Chinese Podcast - Daily Chinese - Have you received the parcel?

Published: May 9, 2011, 8:39 a.m.



\\u4eca\\u5929\\u6211\\u4eec\\u8981\\u8bb2\\u7684\\u662f\\u5bc4\\u5305\\u88f9\\u3002 Things we will talk today are about sending and receiving a parcel. First I will play a dialogue, please listen carefully, and then I will go through each sentence with you. \\u6211\\u4eec\\u521d\\u7ea7\\u8bfe\\u7a0b\\u4e2d\\u7684\\u5bf9\\u8bdd\\u90fd\\u5f88\\u7b80\\u5355\\uff0c\\u6211\\u76f8\\u4fe1\\u4f60\\u4e00\\u5b9a\\u80fd\\u542c\\u61c2\\u3002

Consolidate your knowledge of today\'s Chinese podcast by trying Chinese Test \\u2013 Have you received the parcel?
