Advanced - China News - 11-09-2009

Published: Sept. 11, 2009, 11 p.m.



Another short news podcast with the China news for Thursday,11th of September 2009. We created this short news podcast for those who would like to hear the latest news in mandarin Chinese to practice your listening skills. If you think Aaron speaks a bit too fast don\'t worry, we include a pdf transcript with everything that is being said both in Chinese characters and pinyin. \\n

\\n1.\\u4e2d\\u56fd\\u9ad8\\u7b49\\u6559\\u80b2\\u89c4\\u6a21\\u5c45\\u4e16\\u754c\\u9996\\u4f4d \\u8d85\\u8fc7\\u4fc4\\u7f57\\u65af\\u5370\\u5ea6\\u7f8e\\u56fd
\\n3.\\u300a\\u5efa\\u56fd\\u5927\\u4e1a\\u300b\\u9996\\u6620 \\u660e\\u661f\\u4e91\\u96c6\\u582a\\u6bd4\\u9881\\u5956\\u793c
