Advanced - China News - 01/06/2009

Published: June 1, 2009, 7:37 a.m.



We created this short news podcast for those who would like to hear the latest news in mandarin chinese to practice your listening skills. If you think that the Amy speaks a bit too fast don\'t worry, we include a pdf transcript with everything that is being said both in chinese characters and pinyin.

\\n1. \\u6211\\u56fd3\\u5bb6\\u4f01\\u4e1a\\u5217\\u5168\\u7403\\u5e02\\u503c\\u6392\\u884c\\u524d5\\u4f4d
\\n2. \\u8fd1\\u65e5\\uff0c\\u4e2d\\u56fd\\u6d88\\u8d39\\u8005\\u534f\\u4f1a\\u547c\\u5401\\u51cf\\u5c11\\u5f71\\u89c6\\u5267\\u5438\\u70df\\u955c\\u5934
\\n3. \\u6700\\u65b0\\u6d88\\u606f\\u79f0\\uff0c\\u300a\\u5357\\u4eac\\uff01\\u5357\\u4eac\\uff01\\u300b\\u6709\\u671b\\u5728\\u65e5\\u672c\\u516c\\u6620
