Curiosity Purpose Addiction and Distractions Facing Leading Women

Published: Oct. 2, 2019, 4:55 p.m.

b'On today\\u2019s show:\\n\\nWomen and technology: Yalanda and Angela discuss the role gender has played in the adoption and use of internet and social media technologies. Why are we even talking about Leading Women in 2019?\\nSocial media addiction: Continuing the topic of Dryerbuzz on social media addiction [link], the discussion goes from recognizing social media addiction to the role of addiction in modern capitalism. Yalanda and Angela go deep, connecting the dots from the global slave trade of 16th-19th centuries, the industrial revolution, to modern addictive technologies.\\xa0 The question: Can human beings function without doing something to alter their consciousness?\\nCuriosity vs. purpose vs. addiction: The Leading Women discuss the balance of being open to curiosity and intuition while being purposeful in social media use without becoming addicted or distracted.'