Mein Kampf by Adolf Hilter - Narrated by Fair Use - Volume 1A.opus

Published: April 21, 2020, 2:28 a.m.

Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler, Narrated by Fair Use
Volume 1, Part A

(First 3 and a half chapters)

Published on Adolf Hitler's 131st birthday, April 20, 2020.

My review is here:

"Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf read by the amazing voice of Fair Use may be the most incredible combination of peanut butter and chocolate this world has ever seen. Highly recommended." - Alt Skull

"Fair use has the best reading voice/cadence" - Jean L'Orange

As Hitler says in the forward of his book, the rise of national socialism and other such movements are, regardless of whatever other merits they may have, powered by speeches. But these speeches must be promoted by print media. (Or in the instance of the gospel, by fishers of men.)

This often means publicity, books, films, ads, free radio or TV broadcasts and most especially by newspapers if you have any intention of reaching the intelligentsia, the local influencers, the best informed and most respected men. Intellectuals will only come around when you've reached the masses, but influencers are moved by spoken words. Words they'll never hear if they don't attend any of the movement's events.

Hitler speaks of moving them minds of crowds, which is qualitatively different than merely presenting one's argument in the written form. An approach which is and will always be woefully ineffective in the end.

Print also has the virtue of presenting photographic evidence. People believe what they see. If they see a crowd gathered, a crowd wants to follow that crowd. It's only when they saw 20 men marching in Austin, Texas that 2,000 more men were willing to rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Every major movement of any significant success has had at least one print newspaper or newsletter in addition to speeches and books.

Hitler spoke in public thousands of times, and he led a party made up of hundreds of public speakers. Their events would have been unknown without publicity. The kind of publicity they certainly wouldn't receive for free from the enemy "Lugenpresse".

It's not enough to make information available. It's always been available. It must be publicized, made theatrical, compelling, entertaining, engrossing, and brought to the level that the average man can easily understand it.

To break the lifelong brainwashing, he will never be convinced by a single exposure to an idea, even one with which he intellectually agrees, but must be repeatedly over months or years. At best, it takes 6 months of daily, almost hourly reminders of the crimes against our people and who's behind them.

It took me much longer than this. Nobody wants to wake up in the morning to realize he is the most hated segment of society, even more hated than his people, and even even more than this, doomed to be hated by his own people.

And that his deadly adversary is the exact opposite of a "convenient scapegoat". But instead, the least convenient of all enemies one could choose, even if he had any choice at all.

We've been in the last tenth of the marathon for a long time. For about the past 5,000 years of our struggle, if modern anthropological dating techniques can be believed. But have no fear. The end is nearer than it's ever been.

Our social media platforms are nothing if they're not promoted and defended by widely-available broadcasts. We will not succeed in our lifetime if we do not make use of periodical print media.

------- How to Publish a Digital or Print Newspaper for Free or Profit -------


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How to read. For adults:
How to read if you hate reading:

(You wouldn't believe the American literacy statistics these days.)
For greater financial literacy, see Robert Kiyosake's Rich Dad, Poor Dad, etc.


Begin your journey here.

7 Ways To Become A Propaganda Master, a collection of articles from Fair Use on
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The Third Rail, Right to Bryden, The Fatherland, Radical Agenda, Mysterium Fasces,

News, Blogs:

Documentaries: the greatest story never told
Other Losses, James Bacque
USS Liberty

Every Red-pill known to /pol/ Archive link:
Massive resource list. Most censored info ever. Get it while it's hot, archive, replicate and make publicly available.

Music for this episode generously provided by Xurious & Really Slow Motion

Really Slow Motion
And/or Xurious
And/or Chris Zabriskie

With special thanks to Johnny Williams and Jack Nicholson, who both turned in fine performances.