Kill Them (With Kindness) - Leading Truth's Own Tribe 20200408

Published: April 9, 2020, 2:08 a.m.

Kill them with kindness. Heap coals upon the heads of your enemies by feeding them when they're hungry. How and why? As you might know, the Spartans' and Socialists' ruthlessness was informed by basic, common-sense farming concepts which have become completely alien to our times.

But a balanced ecosystem is only maintained by the competent, uncommon farmer. Not by the run-of-the-mill, dime-a-dozen variety.

What you need is the heritage breed.

You'll learn how the competent agriculturalist becomes the most capable civilizer.

Going from a nation suffering the curses of God to feelin' the healing the land in record time by making our enemies explode, implode, and treating all pests and predators holistically.

------- Toil-Free Farming --------

For your victory garden purposes, forget the till / no - till debate. Tilling is probably going to be your best bet n the short term to get food independent this season.

For long-term success at lower cost, it's something you want to gradually wean away from, building up nitrates and carbon and soil life in spades. Pun intended.

To learn more about managed grazing, no-till, low-labor, low-input natural and Spartan forms of ruthless agricultural dominance to (eventually) crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women, see Justin Rhodes, Mark Shephard, Joel Salatin, Gabe Brown (even though you don't need really seed mixes to promote multi-speciation) and Greg Judy.

To learn more about direct response marketing, ruthless business management, and franchising for small businesses, look up John Reese, Dan Kennedy, Claude Hopkins, John Carlton, David Ogilvy and Gary Halbert.

Develop your logical reasoning to learn how to deconstruct/reverse-engineer all you learn by carefully studying Red Letter Media's Star Wars prequel reviews, then use the powerful weapons of logical reasoning you develop to deconstruct how and why such Star Trek-loving commies and Penn & Teller are part of the problem.

To learn how civilizations are crushed, learn how magicians fool the audience from (openly atheist) Penn&Teller's principles of magic, then notice how, where, and why the devil uses these exact same methods to deceive all of society with very simple "smoke and mirrors" principles.

To see a damn decent example of franchising and train-the-trainer, an effective business model and modern relationship-building in social media in action, or to learn how to become a well-paid personal trainer or lifting coach, see Mark Rippetoe.

Of course, the things he does will only work for him because he's strong, educated, capable, talented and brilliant. It's too bad no one every succeed who are NONE of those things. (Except the Kardashians.)

Because all our efforts will fail without mass media, because mass media makes all our tactics more effective and lacking mass media makes all our tactics ineffective, here's how to take back the "fourth branch of government"...

------- How to Publish a Digital or Print Newspaper for Free or Profit -------


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Music for this episode generously provided by Xurious & Really Slow Motion

Really Slow Motion
And/or Xurious
And/or Chris Zabriskie

With special thanks to Johnny Williams and Jack Nicholson, who both turned in fine performances.