How to Write a Page-Turner

Published: Nov. 7, 2020, 3:15 a.m.

One great story will change the world, like the stories told by Jesus or Charles Dickens. History itself turns on one great story, as it did when a few thousand men read Mein Kampf in Germany, the story of an orphan trying to become an artist, inspired by the beauty of Vienna's great architecture.

Yes, the art and science of writing compelling fiction is merely a series of simple tricks put together in a compelling way. But these mere tools exist for you to master them beautifully.

Just as a symphony is made up of only a handful of simple notes, knowing some notes, chords, and scales doesn't make you Mozart.

But here I've presented some of the notes, chords and scales of writing page turning fiction of every kind. But even given the crudest crowbar, the amateurs can pry open the eyeballs of the reader with dynamic, causing them to compulsively read your fiction as surely as ipecac will cause them to compulsively vomit.

No one was an artist without first being a hack playing to the lowest common denominator, and Shakespeare was no exception. His early plays were full of blunt instruments to bludgeon the audience into watching. And each play sells tickets to the next one.

Some of the greatest men in history have been great writers.

Writers of speeches, if nothing else. If you aim to speak, write well. If you aim to change things, vote with your words. And be willing to learn from anyone. Including your enemies. Especially them.

Even if you aim to use force instead of persuasion, you must still use words to persuade men to use force.

Article: How to Write a Page-Turner


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That's the best part!
We're coming to that.
I'd better let my boss handle that one.
I'd have to check my resources on that one.
I really shouldn't say...