How to overcome fear and accomplish whatever needs to be done

Published: Feb. 11, 2021, 1:28 a.m.

Individuals are afraid of death, as instinct demands they should be. They're driven by their animal impulses to do whatever needs to be done at the moment, including fight or flight. A fearful or nervous animal is more dangerous, we're told by expert animal handlers, than an aggressive animal.

Animals have a tendency to defend their home. But it's not enough to intellectually understand something you must emotionally understand to overcome the barrier of emotion. The misinterpretation of what fear is and what it's for and how it prepares you for what has to be done.

This is an audio design to transform here into excitement and certainty, to understand this is how God prepares the warrior within us to face whatever may come.

The scripture tells us the righteous are as bold as a lion, and the wicked flee when no man pursues.

Prepare to experience the boldness the Lord our God has prophesied through his messengers.