#Techcentric - @latenightparent

Published: Jan. 15, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

Join Rich Valdez and Ted Hicks as they moderate the #LNPShow that discusses the latest trends and game changers in parenting, technology, education, sports & product reviews.

When are we going to CES and who's sponsoring us?

Doctors warn parents against the #TidePodChallenge
Spectre and Meltdown - latest updates on this INTEL chip.
What are the Pros and Cons of Net Neutrality
Locast - Long Island , NY nonprofit launches streaming service - is it legal?
Why isn't this the norm? (Cord-cutter alert) Stream NFL playoffs via Yahoo Sports app
Twitter/FB CEOs are "quitting" the Disney board?
With Tax reform in place - when does Apple purchase Netflix?
Brett Favre released his concussion documentary "Shocked"exclusively to Stadium(dot)com digital network.

#RIP CS Keys