HipBabyWrap - Late Night Parents

Published: Oct. 2, 2015, 3:44 a.m.

A busy mother herself, founder Jeannie Levedahl knows how convenient and meaningful a baby wrap can be. However, constantly wearing the same wrap left her searching for beautiful and more affordable wraps without success. Loving to coordinate her baby wrap with her outfits, Jeannie began making her own and soon received requests for orders— and Hip Baby Wrap was born! Now parents and caregivers can enjoy beautiful, fashionable, fun and quality woven wraps at an affordable price.

Wraps can enhance parent-baby bonding time and child development, but they shouldn’t leave you wrapped in boring solid color or cutesy baby prints day after day. Connect with baby and rock your personal style with Hip Baby Wrap!
Hip Baby Wraps are beautifully woven, light weight wraps that provide breathable and soft comfort for both baby and parent. Individually handmade of 100% cotton and non-toxic dyes, these wonderfully vibrant and stylish wraps provide quality strength and durability, but with more air flow, more stunning color and less bulk than other wraps on the market. Plus, with a variety of color options to choose from, and a reasonable price point, stylish moms can look and feel beautiful with a wrap to coordinate with every outfit.

Get comfort, style and privacy with Hip Baby Wrap’s Nursing Poncho. Featuring six fun and modern color options, 100% woven cotton, and light-weight breathability, this stylish poncho not only brings a stunning pop of color, but keeps mom and baby cool and comfy. And because it slips over the head and rests on the shoulders like a poncho, there’s no fumbling around or shifting to ensure adequate privacy.

With a strong belief in the benefits of baby-wearing, raising happy, connected babies is the Hip Baby Wrap goal. Both the wraps and ponchos are easy to use, fashionable and extremely comfortable while helping promote positive physical, mental and emotional development for baby.

For more information visitwww.hipbabywrap.com