Zanni Tells LPAC—We Need Bank Separation Against Green Bubble & European Stability Mechanism

Published: Jan. 15, 2020, 8:12 p.m.

Marco Zanni, the leader of the Identity and Democracy faction of the European Parliament and Italy’s Foreign Affairs spokesman for the Lega party, exposes the fraud of the EU’s European Stability Mechanism (ESM) bank bailout scheme and of the Green New Deal, and argued for bank separation (Glass-Steagall) instead. Zanni warned that faced by stress throughout the financial system, “the EU and European Central Bank are refusing to assess properly or to consider actions to tackle the huge risks that are evident to everyone now.” The ESM “is a complicated, useless mechanism that is typical of EU decision-making processes. We have an instrument which is already in place and could guarantee financial stability to the financial system: It is the ECB. We don’t need the ESM as a safety net.”