Trump Shocks War Party, Moves to Pullout from Syria and Create Jobs in Mexico and Central America

Published: Dec. 21, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

President Trump shocked the British directed war party in London and Washington yesterday by announcing, via twitter, a complete U.S. pullout from Syria. Almost all of his own Washington Consensus born and bred advisors and their allies in Congress reacted with shock and wails of outrage. Russia, Iran, Turkey simultaneously announced that a committee of Syrian citizens is now working on developing a constitution for that war torn country, the necessary first step in a reconciliation and rebuilding process. At the same time, incoming Mexican President Obrador announced that Mexico, in a deal with Trump, would be receiving up to $10 billion in new U.S. investment to create jobs, doubling U.S. government investment there. This is part of a proposed developments in both Mexico and Central America to revolve the immigration crisis, a crisis which is, in reality, a necessary effect of deliberate underdevelopment. AMLO said, "This is a new, different way of dealing with the problem of migration, which addresses the causes. The day is going to come, very soon, in which people are not going to emigrate from Mexico — at least, that is my dream."