Impeachment Coup Or The Fall Of The House Of Windsor

Published: Nov. 24, 2019, 10:03 p.m.

Members of the House of Representatives will be returning to their districts over this weekend. It is critical that they be deluged with constituents who understand the stakes of this impeachment march. As Attorney General William Barr said last Friday, the nation is experiencing an insurrection, which undermines and delegitimizes the President, creates a Congress akin to the British Parliament, and has a judiciary far outside its Constitutional lane and ruling arbitrarily. This result has been created from abroad, by the British oligarchy, in order to destroy the Republic which they have opposed and sought to subjugate perennially. They do that by controlling public opinion and creating synthetic political movements. So it is with the Democratic Party, which has been changed from that of FDR and John Kennedy to a rabid formation imitating the worst characteristics of the Democratic Party of Athens, the murderers of Socrates.