#79: Tuscaloosa Tornado

Published: July 5, 2019, 2 p.m.

5,300 residences damaged, 1,300 destroyed beyond repair, 1,000 people injured and 53 lost their lives - April 27th 2011 is a day Tuscaloosa residents will never forget. Eight years later and this town is still working to rebuild their city after a 1.5 mile wide tornado ripped through main street and devastated countless peoples' lives. As a real estate agent in Tuscaloosa, Mary Harmon Young of Pritchett-Moore Real Estate felt the weight of helping hundreds of families find new homes and start their lives over. After the tornado and such a large scale destruction, the city was in a rare position in that they were now faced with how to redesign and rebuild the town they loved so much. Tune into this special episode to hear Mary Harmon shares what it has been like during those 8 years and how a natural disaster completely shifted not only the marketplace, but her home town altogether.

We believe Leaders are READERS, below are a few of our favorite leadership books: Our 3 Most Recent Episodes:
  • EP #78: Building Legacy Wealth: Wealth is like sunshine – just because you take some doesn’t mean there is less for me. According to Tim Bratz of Wealth Legacy Holdings, there is enough wealth to go around for everyone, and he is determined to help others see the income potential of commercial real estate investing.
  • EP #77: Find Your Happy Place: Every one needs to find their happy place to combat pressure, stress, and burnout. It’s inevitable to feel the grind in the fast paced and competatvie world of real estate, and when you do – its okay to stop, rest, and recharge. On this episode, Podcast Host Kyle Malnati shares how to recognize not only when you’re having a bad day, but why it’s so important to drop what you’re doing and go to your happy place.
  • EP #76: Necessary Endings: A change in life can be brought on by an intentional iteration, such as a move, a graduation, or a promotion. On the flip side, changes in life can be brought on by an ending – but just because something ended doesn’t mean it has to be a negative change.

~Kyle Malnati, REALTOR Calibrate Real Estate 900 East Louisiana Avenue #203, Denver, CO 80210 http://www.CalibrateRE.com

Intro created by the team of Hey Mr Digital Media based out of Denver Colorado. Intro Music credit: 8 Bit Universe