#141: Faith. Family. Finances.

Published: Sept. 11, 2020, noon


Investing in real estate is more than just dollars and cents. It\'s about making an impact on the people and the community. Direct source investing allows investors to put money into a physical asset they are connected to - versus a mutual fund portfolio based on numbers on a screen. Kira Golden is the Founder and CEO of Direct Source Wealth with a mission to differentiate her company from other Real Estate investing groups.

Kira understands that people are more likely to work with others like themselves and she is driven to be authentically herself. A female perspective in Commercial real estate shouldn\'t be a differentiating factor in our industry, but the truth is... it still is. As a mother of two young boys (her eldest at 5 is already an active investor and entrepreneur) Kira believes in the power of putting money into something you truly believe in is the key to keeping the balance between faith, family, and finances.

Connect with Kira: http://directsourcewealth.com/

We believe Leaders are READERS, below are a few of our favorite leadership books:

  • Entreleadership\\xa0\\u2013 20 years of practical business wisdom,\\xa0Dave Ramsey
  • The Ideal Team Player\\xa0\\u2013 How to recognize and cultivate three ideal traits in your team,\\xa0Patrick Lencioni
  • Business Boutique\\u2013 A woman\\u2019s guide for making money and doing what she loves,\\xa0Christy Wright\\xa0

Our 3 Most Recent Episodes:

  • EP #140: Elevate Your ROI: The largest return on investment is the investment you make in yourself. Through coaching, reading, surrounding yourself with forward thinking people, and sharpening your tactical skills \\u2013 each is a choice to invest in your future success.
  • EP #139: High Performance Habits:\\xa0\\u201cRarely does your income exceed your level of personal development. If you want to be a millionaire, you have to have a million dollar mindset.\\u201d\\xa0Cody Hofhine\\xa0is an entrepreneur, coach, and wholesaling real estate investor who\\u2019s mission in life is to super serve his clients and provide more value than cost.
  • EP #138: The Real Before the Estate:\\xa0Chastin Miles\\xa0is known for keeping it real \\u2013 his high level of authenticity has lead him to become a trusted thought leader in the real estate industry. On his highly successful social media accounts and\\xa0Youtube channel, he discusses all things \\u201ctaboo\\u201d.

Written & Produced by Kayla Davis | Hosted by Kyle Malnati

Calibrate Real Estate
2425 S. Colorado Blvd #250, Denver, CO 80222
