Pulitzer Prize-winning Author Isabel Wilkerson Examines Americas Caste System

Published: Aug. 11, 2020, 9 a.m.

b'In her new book, \\u201cCaste: The Origins of Our Discontents,\\u201d Pulitzer Prize-winning author Isabel Wilkerson presents an examination of what she sees as America\\u2019s often disguised, but very real, caste system. The book compares America\\u2019s system with those in India and Nazi Germany, and delves into how America betrays its ideals of meritocracy by instead cultivating an insidious hierarchy based on race. \\u201cCaste\\u201d is a much anticipated follow up to Wilkerson\\u2019s 2011 book \\u201cThe Warmth of Other Suns,\\u201d which detailed the decades-long migration of black people from the South to other regions of the country. Wilkerson joins Forum to discuss her new book and how America\\u2019s past relates to its future.'