Fareed Zakaria Offers Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World

Published: Oct. 26, 2020, 9 a.m.

b'While it may seem too early to draw conclusions from a global crisis still in process, journalist Fareed Zakaria is seizing the moment. In his latest book, \\u201cTen Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World,\\u201d the CNN host outlines how the coronavirus pandemic will have lasting impacts that could take years to unfold. He examines the prospective political, social, technological and economic consequences of actions governments are taking now. On his weekly show, \\u201cFareed Zakaria GPS\\u201d for CNN Worldwide, Zakaria has focused on international and domestic affairs for 12 years running. He also writes columns for the Washington Post and serves as a contributing editor for The Atlantic. Zakaria joins us to discuss his new book as well as international news.'