Richard Hardin's GPWF: Beatitudes & Sermon On Mount

Published: Dec. 18, 2021, 11:50 a.m.

Beatitudes/Sermon On The Mount---- A different way than you have heard them before! Books: Amazon/Books-Richard A Hardin Email: Weekly: M-F, &-8AM; Sat-Sun, 6-8AM (CST). ****Richard Hardin, POBox 45684, OKC,OK 73145 ****We must be very careful to compare what we hear from our ministers with what the Bible says because it is a matter of an eternity of life or death in many cases! ****Today I will share the Beatitudes and Sermon on the Mount in a way you probably have not heard. Remember Jesus' main concern was that we all be born again of the Spirit of God in our hearts, and these Beatitudes helped the people of the OT understand what He meant. You will see that most of the time the individual verses in the Beatitudes are completely misused in radio and TV commercials, banners and signs. Also, Jesus was teaching about the attitudes and beliefs in our hearts as to where our "sins" exist and not just what we see with our eyes. on 6AM CST Sat #GPWF #Christian at, Pods