20220927 - The Roller Coaster Of Energy Powering Our Political Stances

Published: Sept. 27, 2022, 8 p.m.

Peter Navarro, Author of "Taking Back Trump's America" and the Director of Trade and Manufacturing during the Trump Administration looks at how his new book enables citizens of this country can take back this country for making America great again and return it to prosperous times. Gordon Chang, from the Gatestone Institute and The Hill, looks at ongoing threats China and North Korea is making within the region if they're opposed by the United States and others that pose a threat to oncoming acts of violence in Taiwan or abroad. William Barclay, NY State Assembly Minority Leader looks at the recent scheme Governor Kathy Hochul and Democrats are organizing as a Pay to Play type of preferential treatment for business deals going on. KT McFarland, a Deputy of National Security looks at the political unrest in Iran as Joe Biden looks to get a new nuclear deal done with Iran.