Published: June 4, 2020, 11 a.m.




3 words we heard as a black man while in custody of the Minneapolis Police. This event and ultimately the death of George Floyd was tragic and inhumane. But this is not the first incident of this type of violence against a person of color. This is a reality and a fear that many African Americans or Black Americans face DAILY. Not being able to dodge this one the video went viral and MANY saw the horrific even that now has opened the heart of many to actually LISTEN and not just hear, to actually LEARN and not let it fade I thought it would be amazing to have on the show a Young Black Momma of 3 boys. She is not only a teacher but also a business owner. In this episode we will get to experience sense of her reality through her words and allows us in to her heart. 


If you are wanting to help during this time and not sure how these are some resources to start:




Also the conversation cannot end this week. Continue to learn and grow in this area and now that we know better we have a responsibility to do better.




Instagram: @journeywithjahaira


Have Questions??


Leave me a voice note and I will answer some of these during the podcast episodes.
