Rep. Paul Stam: Friedman Legacy of Freedom Lecture

Published: July 31, 2014, 4 a.m.

July 31, 2014, would have been the late economist Milton Friedman's 102st birthday. To honor Friedman's vision and the impact he has had on our society, the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice has collaborated with policy groups from around the world to hold events in his honor. This includes a Friedman Legacy of Freedom Lecture at the John Locke Foundation. Milton Friedman's contribution to 20th-century economics is indisputable. But economics isn't the only area where he had a vested interest. Friedman had a vision for transforming education through free-market principles. Rep. Paul Stam, R-Wake, the speaker pro tempore of the N.C. House of Representatives, discusses "Opportunity Scholarships: Perils and Promise."