Podcast#24 - The Shift Shop

Published: Aug. 14, 2017, 6:15 a.m.

b'This podcast is about a brand new Beachbody workout program that I just completed. It\\u2019s called The Shift Shop. Its 21 days. For more information about it, read this http://bchbody.life/2uTTJcK

This podcast is longer than usual, because I explain my mindset, ups and downs, and my final results from The Shift Shop. If you want to follow my journey for the 21 days from my first round of The Shift Shop, you can see before/after video as well as the caloric burn for each workout on my Instagram page http://www.instagram.com/irefuse2quit

The best supplement I used for the program is this http://bit.ly/2vwPTd7. I highly recommend it because I believe it intensified and maximized my results in three weeks!!'