Episode 4: The Courage to Trust Your Vibes

Published: July 6, 2020, 8 a.m.

Following intuition is different from hearing it. Sonia Choquette and her two daughters, Sabrina and Sonia T, unpack what it really means to trust and follow your vibes. Sonia and her girls share stories from their own lives and from their clients of why we have to differentiate between standing alone and being alone, why we have to be okay to sit in discomfort but realize that we’re not in danger, and why intuition is truth. 


This week, they talk about how to build our psychic muscles to receive and follow intuition. It’s easy to receive guidance, but developing a relationship with our Spirit is the key to trusting intuitive guidance. 


Sabrina explains why our physical bodies tell the truth when we aren’t paying attention to our vibes. Sonia T talks about the inner idealist self and the intuitive self and how to reconcile the two. The family untangles why the fear of honesty tells us that we’re going to be alone, but how telling the truth shifts the whole experience. It’s not about what’s coming around the corner or around the block but what’s going on — truthfully, right now. 


Sonia C shares her favorite question that her mom would pose to her to check in with herself first.  Sabrina talks about how being uncomfortable doesn’t mean we’re doing it wrong —  it just means that you’re part of the program. They share their favorite tools to strengthen their intuition, and to check and trust their vibes. They also share their intuitive Tool of the Week: Vibe Check 


