Episode 3: Being in Control or Being in Flow

Published: June 29, 2020, 3:56 p.m.

Sonia Choquette tells us about her visa woes and how it triggers her “barking dog” of an ego. The three psychic women talk about how to have faith in your intuition when there is no external evidence that everything will work out in our favor.  How do we train the anxious part of ourselves to trust our Spirit and relax?


Sonia C, Sabrina and Sonia share ways in how to create more inner space to trust Spirit and to trust flow — despite what the fearful, distrusting ego might say.  Sonia, Sabrina and Sonia T share how to stay connected to Spirit when the rational mind has a crisis of faith.


The Choquette-Tully’s talk about what it is like to live in the Third Space of I don't know, but I have faith. Sabrina explains how fear is contagious, how it triggers control, and how to move beyond it, gracefully. The family shares the importance of getting your energy moving to help tune into real guidance when our interference from our heads gets too loud. They share their favorite tools on how to get grounded and quiet their emotional feeling bodies so they can be available to intuitive guidance. 


Sonia, Sabrina and Sonia T share the importance of support and how quickly our egos love to feel alone, love to sing the blues, and how we can get locked into this vibration. Sonia C shares the importance of humor to get back into our intuitive guidance. The part of our nature that feels afraid isn’t a problem if we know it is just not the part to follow. The family ends the show by sharing their Intuitive Tool of the Week: dance party and how to let your Spirit lead. 

