Muslim Antisemitism In France And Western Europe

Published: May 18, 2016, 4:17 a.m.

b'Title: \\u201cMuslim Antisemitism in France and Western Europe\\u201d\\n\\nDate: March 31, 2015\\n\\nSpeaker: Dr. Gunther Jikeli\\n\\nAffiliation: MMZ, GSRL, Senior Research Fellow, ISGAP, Paris\\n\\nLocation: ISGAP Center\\n\\nConvener: Dr. Charles Asher Small, Founder and Executive Director, Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP)\\n\\nDescription:\\nDr. Gunther Jikeli asserts that with recent attacks against Jewish targets, predominantly in Europe, antisemtism continues to be a growing threat and concern among European Jewry. Within recent years there has been a stark rise in antisemitic acts, as well as violent acts, with the majority of the perpetrators of violent and terrorist acts in France being Muslim. He also notes the negative perception of Jews among the majority of the Muslim population and maintains that if we want to combat this phenomenon, we have to know what the tropes are. He says that there are four categories of anti-Jewish \\u201cjustification\\u201d: 1) \\u201cClassic antisemtism (conspiracy theories) 2) Related to Israel saying that Jews and Israelis kill children, demonization of Israel and the existence of the Jewish state 3) Negative views of Jews with reference to Islam and religious and ethnic identities 4) Negative views of Jews without rationalization.'