Law, Modernity and Antisemitism

Published: June 13, 2016, 4:37 a.m.

b'Title: "Law, Modernity and Antisemitism," as part of the Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA) / International Association for the Study of Global Antisemitism (IASA) "Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity" Conference (August 23-25, 2010).\\n\\nSpeakers, Affiliations and Topics: \\n\\nSpeaker: Dr. Alexander Tsesis\\nAffiliation: Loyolya University, School of Law\\nTopic: "Internet, New Media, Traditional Stereotypes, Overt Bigotry and the International Regulation of Hate Speech"\\n\\nSpeaker: Dr. Stephen Feldman\\nAffiliation: University of Wyoming\\nTopic: "Great Expectations: Antisemitism and the Politics of Free-Speech Jurisprudence"\\n\\nSpeaker: Kenneth Lasson\\nAffiliation: University of Baltimore\\nTopic: "Theoretical Basis, Historical Antecedents, Contemporary Manifestations and Legal Dimensions of Modern Campus Antisemiitism"\\n\\nSpeaker: Dr. Kenneth Marcus\\nAffiliation: Baruch College, CUNY\\nTopic: "U.S. Civil Rights: Antisemitism and Post Radicalism"\\n\\nLocation: Yale University, New Haven, CT\\n\\nDate: August 23, 2010'