COP26: What is Ecocide?

Published: Nov. 12, 2021, 12:54 p.m.

b'In summer 2021, a global panel of legal scholars and activists drew up a new definition of\\xa0ecocide:\\xa0unlawful or wanton acts\\xa0that could cause widespread or long-term damage to the environment. The\\xa0aim is that it will one day be ratified by the International Criminal Court.\\xa0As COP26 draws to a close, researcher and author Carl Miller speaks with Jojo Mehta, chair and co-founder of the Stop\\xa0Ecocide\\xa0Foundation and Dan Gretton, campaigner and author of\\xa0I You We Them, to learn more about this emerging field and also the complex history of alleged crimes committed by corporations and governments.\\xa0\\n\\u2014\\nWe\\u2019d love to hear your feedback and what you think we should talk about next, who we should have on and what our future debates should be.\\xa0\\nSend us an email or voice note with your thoughts to or Tweet us @intelligence2.\\xa0\\nAnd if you\\u2019d like to support our mission to foster honest debate and compelling conversations, as well as ad-free podcasts, exclusive bonus content, early access and much more, become a supporter of Intelligence Squared today.\\n\\nJust visit to find out more.\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'