Calm Down Dears: State Snooping Is A Price Worth Paying For Our Security

Published: May 7, 2014, 6:51 p.m.

b'So now we know: our spooks and their spooks are hoovering up and exchanging massive amounts of data on our private lives: not just whom we phone and email but the actual content of our communications; not just which websites we visit but what we choose to buy online. No wonder there\\u2019s been such a furore. William Hague has already admitted that the spooks are allowed to pry pretty much where they want and now it\\u2019s been revealed that the US National Security Agency allows analysts to search our emails and online chats with no prior authorisation. And the big internet companies \\u2013 Google, Facebook and so on \\u2013 have been colluding on how best to keep track of us. Our entire political history has been one of reining in the power of the state and here we are saying to it: come on in and look round. Calm down? You must be joking!\\n\\nThat\\u2019s the line taken by the blowhards in this debate, screaming about the threat to civil liberties, but are they making a big fuss about nothing? After all we\\u2019ve known for years now... Support this show\\n \\n\\xa0See for privacy and opt-out information.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'