S02 E02 - What's a Leftist? Part 1

Published: July 5, 2020, 11:51 p.m.

Part 1 of 2

As you know D & I talk a good bit and can chase some rabbits when we get going. After our last episode, we received some great questions and wanted to ensure we answered them and provided some good details. So this episode a little long.

To start with, in any discussion or debate you have to settle on terms and definitions. D & I use a lot of terms and jargon because we are military and it's just how we talk, but that does not mean you all know what we are talking about so we figured we would define a few things. Such as what are the different types of liberals? What do you mean by Leftists? We cover most of this in Part 1.

It is also important that we start being more accurate in the terms we use. For example, when we talk about policies and ideologies that are counter to the US constitution, these are typically Marxist based ideologies. There are several groups who fall into this category, Black Live Matter (the organization) being one of them. This also poses a problem for a productive discussion. How do you divest the emotion associated with talking about Black lives matter the movement and the need for justice and equality from the organization that is clearly bent to unseat power in the US government and pushes a Marxist agenda?

Naturally, this conversation then leads to policing and reform, and institutional racism. So who are the proponents of this narrative? Who is calling to "de-fund" the police? And why is no one asking who is in charge of the institutions that are supposed racist? It might surprise some people but by in large the most volatile and contentious locations are all under the control of one political party, from the governors to the city officials. So if an institution is 'racists" who should be held to account?

All of these elements fit together and nest within that Marxist framework. Does that mean that people desiring change and calling for change are bad or un-American? By no means! However, it does highlight a sticking point in our ability as a society to communicate and cooperate to find a resolution.

The enemies of our country have woven together a web that makes it nearly impossible to separate the emotion from the necessary examination of the organization promoting the current unrest. Moreover, it requires an even harder look at who the benefactors are of this unrest.

There is quite a bit more to discuss along these lines, we may not have all the answers, but we are willing to talk and engage and try and unravel what we can, so you can make informed decisions and be aware of the forces at play in our society.


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