S01 E06 - Unconventional Warfare Basics Part 1

Published: June 8, 2020, 1:20 p.m.

Originally Posted March 15, 2018

This is part one of a two-part discussion on Unconventional Warfare.  If you’ve read anything about Green Berets in the past 16 years, you probably heard it was through Unconventional Warfare, UW, that the US – specifically Green Berets – defeated the Taliban, de-stabilized then re-stabilized Iraq, and defeated ISIS in Syria. But what is UW? We want to provide our G’s with a framework and understanding of UW – the doctrine and the basics.  Green Berets are practitioners of the art of UW.  But what happens when we return home and see the hallmarks of UW being conducted against our own nation?  How can our G’s recognize UW when it is conducted against you?

One of the things you will hear most soldiers say, and definitely Green Berets is that we can't just “shut off” what we’ve seen or know.  We have spent decades training and honing our skills in a specific art form of warfare, the unconventional kind.  We are practitioners and academics of our art and skill. So we take what we have learned through history and military doctrine, what we’ve applied overseas, and we return home, where there is no active battleground.  The only problem is we immediately recognize that we are in fact in the middle of a battleground.  A battleground of ideas and influence that employs the exact same strategies and techniques we have been trained to employ abroad. You too are in this battlefield, even though there is not combat there is still a conflict.  So how do you begin to peel the onion and identify what is Unconventional Warfare?

War is fluid, its not tanks and bombs, and barbed wire and the western front from day one. It starts years, decades before the first bomb in simmering small conflicts and skirmishes. Never forget all warfare has a political end, power will be gained and lost.  Minor battles and conflicts occur to move pieces on a political chessboard, dissidents, insurgents, and proxy armies test and probe defenses and solidify their base of support. If an insurgency takes hold, it may progress to open war, a war of movement or the conflict may retreat into the sub-surface, patiently waiting for an opportunity to overthrow the reigning power. Insurgents may hope to provoke an over-reaction by the state to claim injustice and rally their support to overthrow the government, or perhaps the state is truly so corrupt and heavy-handed that the people no longer tolerate the suffering and openly revolt.  In all these thrusts and parry’s by what appear to be disparate groups, there are alliances, supporters, an underground network, and auxiliary of people who, encourage, influence, and at times manipulate both the insurgent and the state to act in certain ways. This is the nature of unconventional warfare, it is done by surrogate and proxy before the large battle pieces move on the chessboard.  All nations engage in this type of geopolitical influence, including the US, this is the world of Green Berets.  And if the Green Beret is successful in this UW environment, open war never takes place, it is stopped before it starts, a terrorist attack never happens, an insurgency or uprising loses ground before it makes the 24-hour new cycle.  That is the end-state of unconventional warfare.

This is what we discuss in part one, the basics of UW.  In part two we will discuss how these same tactics are currently being applied by outside influences in the US and how each of us, D, myself, and our G’s are susceptible to these influences and, how it takes diligence and study to identify and guard against these forces.  We try and clear away the idea of conspiracy theories in matters of global strategic influence and highlight the methods of UW conducted against the US.  As always we are eager to hear your feedback on the issue and discuss the matter further.

If you like what you hear, be sure to subscribe, write a review, and share it with your friends.  If you disagree tweet us and let's talk about it. If you have a different perspective we would love to hear it, post it on our Facebook.  This is about abandoning the spoon-fed narrative and evaluating the facts for yourself, think critically, and deeply on these issues because they matter.  Let's hear what you have to contribute to the G-Base.