Climbing the mountain to revisit Rabbi Sacks’ wisdom

Published: Sept. 17, 2020, 7:59 p.m.

Yesterday religious leader Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks joined the show and shared his wisdom on reconstructing a framework of virtues and values, and discussed his award-winning and newly released book, “Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times.” Boyd revisits that wisdom and applies it to what we need to do in our beautiful beehive state to come together again. Because there is nothing like the view from higher up, and that includes climbing the mountains that surround our beautiful valley, to the mountain of challenges in our life.  ‘Inside Sources with Boyd Matheson,’ Opinion Editor at Deseret News, takes you inside the latest political news and current events, providing higher ground for today's discussions. Listen live Monday through Thursday from 11 am to noon at 1160 AM and 102.7 FM, online at, or on the app. Listen on-demand as a podcast on your favorite platform or web browser. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.  Want more Boyd? Don’t forget to listen to his Deseret News podcast ‘Therefore, What?,’ sign up for his weekly newsletter, and follow him on Twitter. See for privacy information.